WikiFX TOPIC: Forex Trading Truth or Lie?

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WikiFX TOPIC: Forex Trading Truth or Lie?

Сообщение upamfva » 12 июн 2021, 11:31

WikiFX TOPIC: Forex Trading Truth or Lie?

  What do you think of that? E-mail us with your point of view & trading experience. Those give the best answer will get a small gift prepared by WikiFX! Come and participate in this Topic today!To get more news about Forex Trading, you can visit official website.
Regardless of the reason for weekend volatility, it presents challenges for regulators weighing the approval of cryptocurrency-based exchange-traded funds.
  While ETFs trade during the work week, investors can buy or sell cryptocurrency 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and may create a mismatch for crypto ETFs, Shams said.
  For example, if the digital currency market drops by 20% on a Sunday, those eager to sell may be stuck with their crypto ETFs until the markets open again on Monday.
  Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler has called for greater investor protections for cryptocurrency, signaling more regulation may be necessary before the agency approves crypto ETFs.
  The SEC is currently reviewing bitcoin and ethereum ETF applications from several companies.
Сообщения: 48
Зарегистрирован: 22 май 2021, 16:13

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