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СообщениеДобавлено: 21 авг 2018, 09:57
SAN FRANCISCO Nathan MacKinnon Avalanche Jersey , Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- Researchers have found the first-ever fossil specimens of a family of flowering plants that gave us everything from the potato to tomatoes, tobacco, petunias and morning cup of coffee.

The discovery of two fossil flowers, age 20-30 million years, of the asterid family, in the prehistoric jungles of what is now the Dominican Republic was announced Monday in the journal Nature Plants.

George Poinar, Jr. Mikko Rantanen Womens Jersey , a courtesy professor in the College of Science at Oregon State University, said ""the specimens are beautiful, perfectly preserved fossil flowers, which at one point in time were borne by plants that lived in a steamy tropical forest with both large and small trees, climbing vines, palms, grasses and other vegetation.""

""Specimens such as this are what give us insights into the ecology of ecosystems in the distant past Gabriel Landeskog Womens Jersey ,"" Poinar said. ""It shows that the asterids, which later gave humans all types of foods and other products, were already evolving many millions of years ago.""

Asterids, researchers noted, are among Earth's most important and diverse plants, with 10 orders, 98 families Nathan MacKinnon Womens Jersey , and about 80,000 species. They represent about one-third of all the Earth's diversity of angiosperms, or flowering plants.

However, researchers said the fossil flowers came from the dark side of the asterid family, as they belong to the genus Strychnos, which ultimately gave rise to some of the world's most famous poisons, including strychnine and curare.

Inherently toxic Adidas Mikko Rantanen Jersey , the genus existed for millions of years before humans appeared on the planet.

""Species of the genus Strychnos are almost all toxic in some way,"" said Poinar, one of the world's experts on plant and animal life forms preserved in amber. ""Each plant has its own alkaloids with varying effects. Some are more toxic than others, and it may be that they were successful because their poisons offered some defense against herbivores.""

""Today some of these toxins have been shown to possess useful and even medicinal properties.""

There are now about 200 species of Strychnos plants around the world, in forms ranging from shrubs to trees and woody climbing vines, mostly in the tropics. They are being studied for medicinal properties, such as for the treatment of parasitic worm infections and as drugs to treat malaria.

The discovery of the fossil flowers Adidas Gabriel Landeskog Jersey , researchers said, suggests that many other related plant families could have evolved in the Late Cretaceous in tropical forests. Their fossil remains, awaiting discovery.

" Fossils of the three newly identified mammal species from Northeast China's Liaoning province, which have scientific names of Shenshou lui (a), Xianshou linglong (b) and Xianshou songae (c). The species date from about 160 million years ago. Photo Provided by Chinese Academy of Sciences

It may not have been the friendliest place for small furry creatures, but three newly identified squirrellike mammals thrived in the trees during the Jurassic Period, with dinosaurs walking below and flying reptiles soaring above.

Scientists announced on Wednesday the discovery in China of fossils belonging to the three creatures in a find that sheds light on a poorly understood collection of ancient mammals Adidas Nathan MacKinnon Jersey , and indicates that mammals as a group appeared earlier than some experts thought.

The three species come from a group called haramiyids that previously had been known only from isolated teeth and fragmented jaws. Scientists had not even been sure they were mammals at all.

The nicely preserved fossils from Liaoning province proved definitively they were mammals, in part because of the presence of three bones of the middle ear characteristic of all mammals from shrews to whales to people.

The three species - whose scientific names are Shenshou lui, Xianshou linglong and Xianshou songae - date from about 160 million years ago, a time when dinosaurs ruled the land. But a number of recent fossil discoveries have shown that mammals were far more diverse during that period than previously recognized.

The three species likely looked like small squirrels, with slim bodies and elongated fingers and toes, indicating they were dedicated tree dwellers. They had long and probably prehensile, or grasping Authentic Mikko Rantanen Jersey , tails, another feature that helped them stay in the tree branches.

"I would predict that they spent even more time in the trees than squirrels," said Jin Meng, a vertebrate paleontologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, who led the study published in the journal Nature.

Based on the shape of their teeth, they probably were omnivorous, eating insects Authentic Gabriel Landeskog Jersey , nuts and fruit, Meng said. The remains were so well preserved that they showed more than just the hard parts such as teeth and bones that commonly fossilize, but also soft parts such as fur and the animal's guts, he added.

The three species had an estimated weight ranging from about that of a mouse, 28 grams, to that of a small squirrel, about 280 grams. While they may have looked and acted like today's squirrels Authentic Nathan MacKinnon Jersey , they were only very distantly related to them.

The researchers said these fossils, along with other evidence, suggest that the first true mammals that evolved from mammallike ancestors appeared perhaps 208 million years ago. Some scientists have contended that mammals entered the picture millions of years later than that.

An illustrated display highlights two new mammal genuses, Shenshou and Xianshou, demonstrated by researchers from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

by Keren Setton

JERUSALEM, Jan. 31 (Xinhua) -- Days after U.S. President Donald Trump was inaugurated, the Israeli government announced its plans to build an additional 2,500 homes for Jewish settlers in the West Bank.

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