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udy in part because they spend

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 мар 2019, 12:23
The European Commission will present by the end of March its plan for overhauling tax rules for internet giants Cheap Alex Pietrangelo Jersey , aimed at making them pay up in the countries where they earn their profits, a top official said Sunday.

EU Economic Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici told France's Radio J that his proposals would "create a consensus and an electroshock" on taxing digital economy revenues.

Under EU law, American technology titans like Google and Facebook can choose to report their income in any member state, prompting them to pick low-tax nations like Ireland, the Netherlands or Luxembourg.

That deprives other nations in the bloc of any of the tax revenue, even though they may account for a bigger share of the earnings.

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development says such rules cost governments around the world as much as $240 billion (193 billion euros) a year in lost revenue, according to a 2015 estimate.

"The idea is to be able to identify the activities of digital companies, so we need a range of indicators -- the number of clicks, the number of IP addresses, advertising, and eventually revenues... and then we'll find ways to tax them," Moscovici said.

He said the new rules would apply to giants like Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon -- together known as GAFA -- as well as services like AirBnB and Booking.

"When you rent a room on Booking, it generates considerable revenue for a company which we don't really know where it's located, and which pays very little in taxes," he said.

On average internet giants pay a tax rate of 9 percent in Europe, compared with an average corporate rate of 23 percent, Moscovici said.


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So what separates the NutriSystem diet from all other diet meal plans out there? First of all other diet meal plans will force you to eat things that you don’t like and not only that but they would also force you to take on systems that you are not used to. You might think that going cold turkey on fatty foods and only eating greens would benefit you, it would in the short term but in the long run you would only find yourself regretting things.

The problem with these diets is that they force you to instantly get used to a new diet meal plan. Let’s say that the diet we were talking about is like a new pair of shoes. When we first try them on we see that they look good so we take them. But as we use them we start to miss our old shoes, so we start to use our usable worn out shoes. The difference between the two now appears; we would usually get used to our shoes because we have no choice, we just have to use them. But as for the diets we also would have to get used to them but it’s a lot harder because our old diets would always be there, we can’t completely eliminate it.

This is where the NutriSystem diet comes in. For old diets we had to force ourselves to immediately change and get used to the recommended diet, while the NutriSystem diet would actually work itself around our current meal plan.

The NutriSystem diet is a diet meal plan that would focus on you eating what you want but still losing weight. What you have to do is to order a few nutritionally prepared meals from their website. You would then be asked to couple these foods with other grocery items that you may find in the manual that comes along with the package. The ordered meals are made so that they are not only fat burning but also very delicious; this is the diet that you should go for. You should be able to eat what you want but still lose weight. What you’re actually eating in the ordered meals contains the same taste, or even better, while being made from the healthiest ingredients.

You might be wondering why some people has actually succeeded in doing crash diets and it’s because these people had years to force themselves to get used to such diets. Lucky for you the NutriSystem diet will not take years to take effect and will even is fun to do.

For more information on Nutrisystem diet, visit the diet mean plan resource site

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- A new study confirms that when a group of sperm whales travel, the highly social creatures tend to hang pretty close together.

Researchers from Oregon State University (OSU) in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur in Mexico reported their finding that sperm whales spent about 30 percent of their time at the surface resting and socializing.

However, when a group of such whales with 27 so-called Advanced Dive Behavior, or ADB, tags would dive in search of their preferred food, namely the Humboldt squid, they would sometimes reach depths of 1,500 meters, or nearly a mile below the surface, and would each went their own way.

During one such dive, according to the researchers who recently published a paper in the journal Ecology and Evolution, a whale remained submerged for more than 77 minutes in the Gulf of California.

The sophisticated ADB tags allowed the researchers to gather unprecedented amounts of data on sperm whale movement, socialization and feeding and diving behavior that previously had been difficult, if not impossible, to obtain.

Sperm whales have been notoriously hard to study in part because they spend a lot of time underwater and dive to great depths.

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Re: udy in part because they spend

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 апр 2020, 04:18

Re: udy in part because they spend

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 май 2023, 23:33

Re: udy in part because they spend

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 май 2024, 02:37