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Сообщение lxd123456 » 06 сен 2018, 04:33

Acne treatment is a lengthy process which requires endurance and consistency on the patient?s part. Acne treatment is not painful at all but it is a time taking process. The biggest mistake that people make is that as soon as they start getting some result they discontinue the treatment. This actually further worsens the acne condition.
Proper skin care plays a vital role in acne treatment. It helps to reduce and control the acne problem. The following are a few guidelines that will help you to get maximum results during acne treatment.

1. The first thing which should be remembered and followed at all costs is that you should not pick or squeeze your pimples. It will make acne worse and may cause inflammation on the skin.
2. Do not over scrub your skin. Over scrubbing can further aggravate the acne by causing inflammation. Instead it is advised to wash your face twice a day with gentle face wash and pat dry. It will help to keep the acne under control.
3. Oily hair can further aggravate acne. If you have oily hair you should keep it off your face and wash your hair daily.
4. Avoid using hair products like pomades Wholesale Jerseys , gels, anti frizz lotions and sprays. Although these things are not applied on the skin directly, when hair falls on your face Cheap New Soccer Jerseys , whatever is applied on hair gets transferred on the face thus sometimes causing acne.
5. Sometimes sport clothes can cause and aggravate acne. If you are suffering from acne then it is advised to wear cotton cloths under sport clothes to avoid direct skin contact.
6. During the acne treatment you should try not to use cosmetics on your skin. If you cannot go without make up than use noncomedogenic cosmetics as they do not clog the pores.
7. Use medicines as and when directed by the dermatologist. Try not to change the quantity of acne medication according to your own will; this will further worsen the acne condition. Read the instructions properly and then follow it accordingly.
8. Give acne medicines time to do their job. It normally takes 6 to 8 weeks to show improvement in acne depending on the skin condition. You can also ask your dermatologist that how much time is required for your acne treatment. And lastly you should not discontinue your treatment halfway.
9. During acne treatment avoid excessive exposure to sunlight. Do not use tanning booths or sun lamps as they are of no help. Tanning can increase the risks of skin cancer. Some acne treatments increase the skin?s sensitivity to the sunlight.
If you follow all the instruction carefully along with your acne treatment you will get the best results. But if it does not work you should consult your dermatologist because in today?s world of medical advancement all types of acne are totally curable.
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