ships operating in China's major port cities as of 2016, a j

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ships operating in China's major port cities as of 2016, a j

Сообщение tujue » 22 фев 2019, 10:34

What should I know before buying a house? Here are some tips that could save a lot of time Black Trai Turner Jersey , money and effort.Plan ahead. Make good credit and save as much as possible forIssue costs.

Get pre-approved online before you start looking.
Agents not only work with pre-qualified buyers prefer to have more bargaining power and an advantage over buyers of homes, not previously approved.

Set a budget and stick to it.
Do you know what you really want in a house.How long will you live there? Is your family growing? What are the schools like? How long is your commute? Consider every angle before diving in.

Make a reasonable offer. To determine a fair value on the home, ask your real estate agent for a comparative market analysis listing all the sales prices of other houses in the neighborhood.
Choose your loan (and your lender) carefully. For some tips, see the question in this section about comparing loans.

Consult with your lender before the payment of debts. You may qualify even with your existing debt, especially if it frees up more cash for a down payment Keep your job.

If there is a career move in your future, make the move after your loan is approved.
Lenders tend to favor a stable employment history. Do not shift money around.
A lender needs to verify all sources of funding. By leaving everything where it is, the process is a lot easier on everyone involved.

Not add to your debt. If you increase your debt by financing a new car, boat, furniture or other large purchase, it could prevent you from qualifying.Timing is everything. If you already own a home, you may need to sell your current home to qualify for a new one.

If you are renting, simply time to move to the end of the lease.How Much House Can I Afford?
How much house you can afford depends on how much cash you can put down and how much a creditor will lend you. There are two rules of thumb: you can not afford a house up to 2 1 2 times your annual gross income.

Your monthly payments (principal and interest) should be 14 of your gross pay, or 13 of your take-home pay. down payment and closing costs – how much money do you need? In general, the more money you put, the lower the mortgage. You can put as little as 3% down, depending on the loan, but you’ll have a higher interest rate.

Not less than 20% will require you Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) protects the lender if you do not pay the payments. Also, expect to pay 3% to 6% of the loan amount in closing costs.
These are fees required to close the loan, including points, insurance, inspections and title rights.

To save on closing costs you may ask the seller to pay some of them, in which case the lender simply adds that amount to the price of the house and you finance them with the mortgage.
A creditor may request that the mortgage payment 2 months savings apply for the loan.

The mortgage – how much can you borrow? A lender will look at your income and your existing debt when evaluating your loan application.
They use two ratios as guidelines: Housing Expense Ratio. Your monthly PITI payment (Principal, Interest, Taxes and Insurance) should not exceed 28% of your monthly gross income.
Debt income.

Your long-term debt (any debt that will take over 10 months to pay off – mortgages, car loans, student loans, alimony, child support, credit cards) shouldn’t exceed 36% of your monthly gross income.Lenders are not rigid, but. These are just guidelines. If you can make a large down payment, or if you are already paying the rent, which can close to the same amount of a proposed loan, the lender to bend a little.

Use our calculator to see how you fit into these guidelines and to find out how much home you can afford. Why should I refinance? If you have a low rate 30 years fixed rate was in good shape.
But if any of these Five Reasons applies to your situation, you may want to look into refinancing.

1.Decrease monthly payments.
If you have a fixed interest rate can be lower than what you currently have, you can reduce your monthly payments.

2.Getting money from your assets.
If you have enough equity you can get cash out by refinancing. simply decide what to extract and increase the new loan by that amount will. It’s one way to release money for major expenditures like home improvements and college tuition.

3.Switch from an adjustable to a fixed rate.
If interest rates rise, and if you want the security of a fixed interest rate or if interest rates lower

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TIANJIN, May 18 (Xinhua) -- China's major port cities saw a growing number of inbound and outbound cruise ships in 2016, totaling 1,040, according to the China Cruise and Yacht Industry Association.

In 2016, the number of outbound Chinese cruise passengers topped 2 million for the first time, and is expected to reach 2.6 million this year, said the association.

Experts forecast Chinese people will make 3.5 million cruise trips annually by the year 2020, becoming the most dynamic cruise market in the Asia-Pacific region.

China has become the world's eighth-biggest cruise market. There were 18 cruise ships operating in China's major port cities as of 2016, a jump from just one ship in 2006, when China started vigorously developing its cruise industry.

"China's cruise market has huge development potential," said Li Qinggang, director of Tianjin Dongjiang Maritime Safety Administration.

Tianjin international cruise home port, the largest in Asia, received 138 voyages in 2016 and is expected to receive 150 in 2017.

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Зарегистрирован: 06 июл 2018, 06:12

Re: ships operating in China's major port cities as of 2016,

Сообщение voxzi » 23 апр 2020, 23:27

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Зарегистрирован: 22 апр 2020, 09:05

Re: ships operating in China's major port cities as of 2016,

Сообщение voxzi » 01 май 2024, 23:39

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