ombine for a purc

Состояние домов и подвалов. Уборка территории, состояние дорог и тротуаров. Детские и спортивные площадки. Озеленение. Парковки. Боремся с хамством.

ombine for a purc

Сообщение tujue » 08 янв 2019, 12:39

Survival in any city requires food Cheap Joel Eriksson Ek Hat , clothing, and shelter but much more so in the sub-arctic weather of Anchorage, Alaska. George Norton, maybe feeling somewhat responsible for Bill's current position, takes on the task of teaching him about the trap line; a beginner's course of survival on the streets.

Free food is available in several locations, from Bean's Cafe near downtown, at the Gospel Mission which used to be downtown but is now located in the University district, and the Salvation Army Post which was located near the park strip but still in old downtown. In that day, free food came accompanied by a sermon at the Salvation Army Post, and the eating of it took place after the sermon, thus ensuring a listening audience.

When the stomach is satisfied, the street person can consider his next need. If it is daytime and cold outside, the old Loussac library was a good place to hide out until the next meal. It was not much used during the day, and the librarian was liberal with street people who came in and wandered through the stacks until they pulled out a book and sat near the heater at the back wall. It was permissible to sleep with your head on a book providing your snoring did not disturb other users. There was also a rest room which took a beating from the street people who were not overly careful of its condition, even though they were advised to keep it clean if they wanted to make that a permanent stop on their freezing days while waiting for the next meal or bottle.

They could also lounge at the Salvation Army Post if they weren't too disreputable looking or sick. The basement of the Gospel Mission was the best overnight sleeping as it had few rules and while there weren't actual beds, there were overstuffed chairs that accommodated a sleepy soul comfortably. In later years the Catholic Church opened up the Brother Francis shelter with cots and restrooms, but prior to that it was the Salvation Army or Gospel Mission for a nights rest.

Jeans, shirt, jacket, socks and shoes made up the wardrobe of most of the street people in the days of my novel. Jackets were needed even in summertime in case the person found himself drinking at a creek-side camp and needing to sleep it off where he was. Without the ambition or energy to walk to a night shelter the person struggled with night-time temperatures of 40's and 50's. Used clothing was always available from the Salvation Army. It was clean and mended but whether it fit well was not much of a consideration. If it would stay on, was thick enough the mosquitoes couldn't bite through it, and had some life left in it, it was good enough. Good articles of clothing were often used as barter to get a drink or share a bottle.

If the person progressed toward a normal life, better clothes could be found that would allow him to apply for work and look presentable. Suits of clothes, sport shirts, coats, hung on racks in the Salvation Army Store and shoes and socks of all descriptions were available on the shelves. A person could make a pretty good one time appearance with the selection available.

Panhandling was always a choice. When they had been drinking they lost their inhibition of approaching business people on the street. The fear of rejection was muscled out by the perceived need for money to buy booze. If they could convince somebody to give them money they could get wine or whiskey. Especially if several people were able to get enough to combine for a purchase

Relief from freezing temperatures, the driving wind, and accumulation of snow was a constant requirement to maintain life. Several died when they climbed into dumpsters in a drunken stupor and either froze to death or were crushed when the contents were compacted in a garbage truck. Large cardboard boxes were free, light, easy to carry and provided a relief from wind and snow. They served as kind of a tent shelter if they could gather up enough blankets, old towels and clothes to keep from freezing during the long night.

It was a sharing community. No one had much of anything and with the exception of a few fights and occasional stabbings, they got along together trying to find a way to survive the coming night and the next day. They awoke in the clothes they slept in and their day began; to get to food, warmth, and drink and then back to a shelter.
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Re: ombine for a purc

Сообщение voxzi » 01 май 2024, 09:12

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